Princess Communist Day

It's official. The Season is in full swing; every store I shop regularly has a sale going on today and I'm feeling ambitious. There is nothing I'd like more than being done with my Christmas shopping by the end of this weekend, and I may just pull it off.

It's a good thing I get paid on Thursday.

There is absolutely nothing that's turning out as expected about this Season. Not that I'm surprised -- 2009 has been anything but normal and if it were to end in a quiet manner I'd probably be a little disappointed. It's looking like Thanksgiving will be just my parents and I ... which hasn't happened since I was a year and a half old (for those keeping track at home, that would be 24 years ago).
The parents may be on their way to China on Christmas Eve to visit Mia Sorella ... which means Shorty and I will be fending for ourselves. It's going to be an interesting few weeks.

I have this weekend to prep, regroup, and have some fun. Tango and an '80s movie last night (because they go so well together), some shopping already this morning and breakfast with Moonie, the Admiral, and the newlyweds, and tomorrow is a Cribbage tournament in Mosinee. [Side note: "Escape From New York." Hilariously bad.] Next weekend brings a day trip to Minneapolis that I may have to document later. It should be a good one.

For a few minutes, a break. Relax in the library, smelling vaguely of diner. Enjoy the quiet and the wi-fi before plunging back into the sea of moms, grandmothers, and aunts (with the occasional grudging but obliging husband) who are hitting the sales alongside me today.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said…
I can only assume that by "hilariously bad" you mean "fantastically awesome".

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