Weekend Tidbit #2

Twelve Thoughts About The Last Twenty-Four Hours

1. Yesterday was, hands down, the most interesting Super Bowl I've ever watched. Even the commercials were better. [That being said, I would like to announce my re-retirement from the sport ...]

2. My sister is a nutcase.

3. There are things I've seen that I now consider fairly commonplace -- but aren't, really. Like Mt. Rushmore. And the Sturgis Bike Rally.

4. I am not a decorator, but I do an okay job of faking it.

5. I am the very model of a modern major general.

6. "Soft" frost is a welcome change of pace over the rock solid, formed-when-the-temperature-dropped-below-zero variety we've had for the last month.

7. Sophie looks pretty darn good when she's just been washed.

8. I am one of the guys. Nothing quite brings that home like being the only girl at a Super Bowl party ... especially when you don't realize it until the second quarter.

9. I should clean my apartment much more regularly. It's totally worth it.

10. I have yet to break that terrible procrastination habit I picked up in college. Just because I work better under a deadline doesn't mean I should ONLY work under a deadline.

11. "The beautiful people, the beautiful people ..."

12. It turns out I do, in fact, have a thing for fast cars.


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