The Great Slush City

... of Wausau greeted me this morning with very little fanfare -- mostly just a soft, squishy noise. I stepped foot out the door and wondered why I had bothered with a coat. It was mystifying.

That's right, we've hit that inevitable "unseasonably warm" phase of winter-spring. A week of frigid cold, a week of average temps, a week of warm ... This means that next it'll get cold, just cold enough to turn those newly formed puddles into slick sheets of treacherous ice waiting for an unsuspecting runner -- or an unsuspecting half-yuppie in almost-dress shoes. (That would be me.)

Oh, the things to look forward to.

In the meantime, that fifteen or so inches of complete snow cover we have is quickly being reduced to a couple of inches of snow and about an inch of dirt. And as much as that frustrates me, this means that we're only a few weeks away from brilliant greens and flower buds.

I am a little concerned for the ice fishing village in the middle of the lake, though. Seems a bit early for this melt.

Yeah. Aside from the weather, there's not a lot to say. How depressing.


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