A Hobbied List

I was shocked to find that I could come up with twelve things for this list, but it was rather exciting, too. Just goes to show that things definitely change after college.


Twelve Things I Do In My Spare Time

1. Read.
A lot. Books, magazines, newspapers, online stuff. I'm addicted.

2. Go hiking.
When I can't go hiking, I go for long walks around town. My legs are my most reliable mode of transportation ... Well, most of the time.

3. Write.
A lot. Journals, this blog, a couple of budding works of fiction. Part of the word addiction.

4. Paint.
Not one of my bigger talents, but something I really enjoy doing.

5. Cook.
Yay food!

6. Geocache.
Fantastically fun and cheap (after the initial GPS purchase, which still makes it cheaper than most hobbies). And hey, I now know more about this town than I ever anticipated. Way cool.

7. Sew.
Ever since I got my sewing machine for my last birthday, I've been oddly obsessive -- although in stints. I'm looking into quilting now as well ... Something about using geometry and the time I spend looking through remnants at Joann Fabrics tells me I could enjoy this.

8. Take random day trips.
As long as gas stays lower, this might even pick up in frequency again.

9. Send letters.
I'm one of those people with a collection of cards and I have a couple forms of stationery -- and a wax stamp and calligraphy pen for when I'm feeling really formal. Something about snail mail just appeals to me.

10. Yoga.
Over a decade of soccer left me with strong but terribly inflexible muscles. Ironically I have maintained a fair amount of strength even though I haven't played in awhile -- but now I'm working a bit on the flexibility thing, too. And I admit it -- yoga helps calm me on a bad day, too. Things I never thought I'd be into.

11. Watch movies.
I don’t watch regular television (don't even have an antenna or cable to make it possible) but I love movies of almost any form. My collection now includes everything from "Casablanca" to "Finding Nemo" to "Spaceballs" to "The Dark Knight" (just released today!).

12. Hunt down coffee shops & restaurants.
Nothing makes me happier than finding a new haven where I can hide out and do all of that writing and reading, or somewhere with that one dish to die for. Every town has its own special spots, too, which makes this that much more fun -- it's something I can do anywhere.


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