Under Pressure (*Insert Beat Here*)

You know those times when you just have a LOT on your mind?
Still some turmoil in select friends' lives. Serious turmoil. Starting to die down a bit, though, thank goodness.
The Season is in full swing. Salvation Army bell ringers are out. Decorations are on store shelves. Our safety awards just showed up so I have one bigger gift taken care of.
Thirty-six days till Christmas.
Thanksgiving is next week. I have some menu planning to do, a lot of cleaning, and possibly even more grocery shopping. It's going to be a great weekend -- but right now, it's all about the prep.
Group Christmas party will be at my house, so planning for that has started as well.
Big group dinner tomorrow night -- ribs at Simon's place. I have a lot of bread to bake tonight.
After I get my hair cut, before I can launch back into cleaning.
Before any of that, though, I have to finish things here -- which should be doable, especially if I get back to it. So -- later, all.