Thanksgiving In Wausau

I'm going to break from the family history for a bit since I'm now at home by myself, listening to Christmas music in the quiet of my apartment and thinking about how the weekend has gone.

So! The blow-by-blow.

My parents and sibs showed up on Wednesday after a brief detour at the very end of their trek. Turns out Mother Dearest had two sets of the turn-by-turn directions I sent her, and only one had the ever-important correction about the highway they just finished. Naturally, Mia Sorella was navigating from the uncorrected set.

Anyway! They got here and unloaded the Exploder, and after a brief tour and some general chat, we hit Hereford & Hops for dinner.

H&H is one of my favorite restaurants in town. They're a steakhouse/brewery, and both their steak and their brew are top-notch -- and moderately inexpensive.

Having kicked off the weekend in good form, we headed back to the house and had dessert -- blackberry and cream cheese pie from Norske Nook in Osseo, WI. A-m-a-z-i-n-g.

The Admiral stopped by for a glass of wine (payment for the bowls I was borrowing) while we were watching "Casino Royale." The night ended with general confusion as we figured out where everyone would be sleeping.

Thanksgiving morning. We got off to a slow start -- and that ended up being the general attitude of the whole day. Dad made breakfast and we were all up to eat by nine or so. Mom and I started the turkey awhile later. Dinner got made in stages, each of us doing our one or two things in between pots of coffee and games of Cribbage.

We ate sometime around two, filling ourselves beyond reason as is tradition, then settling into an afternoon of cards, more wine, a movie, and me attempting to put up my tree between rounds of hand and foot -- which only sort of worked.

It was an incredibly relaxing day, very low-key, and a lot of fun.

Friday morning, Mom, Mia Sorella and I got up to do a little Black Friday shopping. Nothing early -- we (especially Mia Sorella) don't do early. We're not the hardcore shoppers. We're not even light shoppers. As a matter of fact, none of us are huge on any kind of shopping, with the possible exception of shoes or handbags. But for whatever reason, Black Friday continues to be fun -- although you'll probably never find us waiting for any store to open.

Anyway, we hit Best Buy, Kohl's, and the B without much success, then headed home for lunch.

Then, they got packed up and we made a quick run to Allister Deacon's for coffee before they all hit the road..

It was a fantastic, relaxing, food-filled weekend. And the weekend hadn't even started yet.


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