Vacation, With A Vengeance

I am such a slacker.

Well, sort of. I feel like one, partially because it's already Thursday and I know quite well what my sleeping habits have been this week. Partially because I promised you pictures well over a week ago and still have yet to deliver.

In my defense, I have had a CRAZY week. We're talking hours of meal preparation (seriously, I've been at church by 2:00 every single day this week) and hours of dealing with squealing high school/middle school girls, along with hours of movies with siblings and catching up with friends ... As much as I love being home, it hasn't been as relaxing as I had originally expected.

I think, however, that my expectations were not based in reality. It's VBS week. I should have known better.

Tomorrow's the last night of VBS. After that I have two full days that don't involve feeding 100+ people, then half a normal day and seven hours of driving. Kind of depressing, actually.

Maybe some day I'll learn to take a relaxing vacation. In the meantime ... I just need to learn when to sleep.

Like now. Now I should be sleeping. Enjoy the rest of your week, all.


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