Weekend Mania


Friday couldn't come fast enough, as far as last week was concerned. A little too much craziness at work ... BUT. It finally appeared. Much to my relief.

Friday night was ... interesting. After an abandoned attempt at a beginner's tango class, I ended up going out with several coworkers and the three visiting friends of one of them. Great fun, as expected, but after such a psychotic week I was exhausted. I called it a night at 11:00.

Which of course meant that it was time for a serious bout of insomnia. Too much on my mind to sleep, apparently ... I'm not sure why. It's not as though anything going on right now is more complicated than things I've dealt with before, or that I'm in any particularly new situations. (Okay, that really isn't a sarcastic sentence, although it kind of sounds like it. I'm really NOT under any more stress than normal. I don't know why I couldn't sleep.)

In any case, the insomnia lead to some interesting thought paths, which lead to more insomnia ... which lead to a very tired Ashley on Saturday morning.

However, I had plans. I made it up to church for the ladies' spring tea, where I was told to eat more dark chocolate and drink more red wine.

Oh, it was an awesome morning.

After some seriously high quality girl time, I came home with the best of intentions to run errands and get things done. However, my housemate suggested taking a walk, and given the weather, I couldn't say no.

What started as an hour walk exploring the neighborhood turned into a four hour journey into downtown Wausau. When I'm more willing, I'll have to tell you a bit more (as a "Discovering Wausau" post), but suffice it to say it was a great afternoon. The weather was perfect (crystal-clear and 60° with no wind) and we managed to find all sorts of fun stuff, including a spectacular cafe that I had no idea existed.

When we got back I made my way back to Sears, where I bought a washer and dryer.

Yep. My first large appliance purchase. It was almost fun ... I continue to be thankful for tax refunds.

Came home, did some cleaning, did some lounging, and then ended up going out at about 10:00 to have a drink with roughly the same crowd as the night before. Great fun -- but tiring. By the time I finally collapsed into bed my body had just about given up on me.

This morning was a pretty standard Sunday, although Pastor Lou was in a more fervent, fire-and-brimstone-like mood today than usual (actually, it was pretty awesome). And this afternoon I ventured out to a laundromat so I can have clothes tomorrow. (My washer & dryer won't show up until Wednesday, sadly.)

I'd call that an adventure, but mostly it was just loud. Because it's a Sunday afternoon. When everybody and their dog needs to wash clothes.

I was in and out in about an hour and my ears rejoiced.

So ... yeah. I might have a couple more substantial posts today (I've been working on something that I'd like to get kicked off pretty quickly), but there's my "Today I went to JCPenney" post for the weekend.

Have a good one, folks!


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