
Well, it's been a mildly exciting week, at least at work. I've even been right a few times, which is something new and different for me.

It's been considerably less exciting with everything else, but I'll take what I can get.

Tomorrow, I check out a potential new apartment ... I love my apartment, but the location's not so great. If this one works out, it'd be much closer to everything (biking/walking distance instead of driving distance), and closer to more people ... Be a nice change of pace.

Besides, I haven't lived in one place continuously for more than 9 months for the last, oh, 6 years of my life. Why start now?

Anyway, back to work. Then I can go home and take a nap. 1AM was a bad idea.


Katie said…
Yay!! I'd love to see you!! Give me a call or text or whatever and I'll be sure to be available. My life has gotten CRAZY in the last few weeks and I'd love to tell you about it :)

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