Create Your Own Adventure

It will probably take awhile before I'm used to living somewhere with real humidity. After five years in a veritable desert, it's a bit of a shock to walk outside and have the air stick to me. On a day like today -- it's looked like rain since before the sun rose -- it reminds me of North Carolina, both in feel and in scent.

But no matter. In four days, I'm returning to said desert for the weekend. That's right, it's back to Rapid City! I'm pretty psyched about it ... It's been awhile and I've really missed it.

I have a feeling that Rapid City will always feel more like home than anywhere else I live.

In any case, that's this weekend. So if you want to avoid me, it'll be a little harder than it has been lately. And if you don't -- call me! (Be warned, though, you might get hit up for a ride, as I will be short a vehicle for the weekend.)

On Sunday, I'm headed back as far as Minneapolis. There, I get to attend a week long hazardous material handling training course (yee-ha!) complete with The Suits. You know 'em -- you've seen 'em in the movies. The plastic, space-alien suits meant to protect you from anything chemical or biological that could potentially harm/kill/maim you.

It's entirely possible that I'm a little too excited about that part.

That ends on the following Friday, and then ... I have to get back to Wausau.

Now, I thought it would be easy. I thought I would just catch a ride back with one of the two people that will be there with me. Alas, neither of them are planning on coming back by way of Wausau. While one has offered (very nice of him, I might add), I'd rather not make him go out of his way.

Which leaves me ... still in Minneapolis.

I was thinking (maybe even hoping a little bit) of taking Amtrak back ... by way of Milwaukee because that's how the route goes. As it turns out, they don't offer same-day service for the Minneapolis-Milwaukee-Wausau trip. It's a two-day trek.

That's some fine print for you.

Here's the rub. Part of me said, "Hey, a day in Milwaukee! An adventure! Besides, you've been wanting to see more of the state. Here's your chance. When are you going to get another free weekend like this?" Another part said, "Ugh, then you have to pay for a hotel room, more transportation, deal with your luggage ..." That part will likely convince me to ask said coworker to alter his trip a bit. (In case he reads this tonight, I'm really sorry, dude.)

All of me is wondering where this second side came from. At one point, I would never have considered the train option, just for budgetary reasons. I'll admit to the logic behind that voice. But turn down a chance at an adventure (small though it may be) when it's possible and the opportunity is there? No way! Heck, I was rarely even willing to let final exams get in the way -- and then logic probably should have won out.

It makes me a little sad, but we'll see what happens. I have a couple more days to hedge on this one before I have to make a final decision.


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