Singled Out
I've been thinking about this for awhile. I apologize for the schizophrenic tendencies it has. I'm just hoping I can get most of it out before my brain starts to empty. It's raining pretty hard outside. Now, I love the rain -- I spent a large chunk of the day out and about in it -- but I'm rather glad to be inside with my tea and a CD playing now that it's dark and cold. Ha! Look at that. Already I'm avoiding the topic I really intended to write about. If I were to be perfectly honest with you, I would tell you that I'm rarely perfectly honest with you. See, I'm not an openly serious person. I crack jokes because it's easier for me if I can keep things light, even at the risk of making things awkward. Awkwardness is easier for me to deal with than the possibility of exposing what I really think about things. I suppose that's why this post from a couple weeks ago was such a big step for me -- I mean, there's some potentially damaging exposure...