The Graduate

It's done.

I'm a college graduate. A real, honest-to-goodness engineer.

I feel like I should be overflowing with words of wisdom, or crazy sentiments, or ... anything, really. I feel like I should have so much more to say than I do, but the words really aren't there.

Graduation was great. The speakers were interesting and blessedly short, it was fairly relaxed, the music was excellent (the Tech choir is almost surprisingly good -- wouldn't necessarily expect that out of a bunch of Techies) ... My good friend Bri was one of the senior speakers, which was also awesome. Particularly cool was that her dad, who is in California waiting for a lung transplant, got to hear her; she had him listening on the phone, and she was wearing her hands-free.

Afterwards, there was an open house here, of sorts ... Mostly it was an excuse for people to come over, and it worked pretty well as that. Food, games, good stuff.

Now, I'm packing. For the 14th time in 4.5 years, I'm moving. I'll be back in Sioux Falls for a bit, although I really don't know how long I'll be there.

With that, I just want to say thanks ... My family, for getting me through this (all of you!); my friends at school -- Darren, Ashli, Matt, Dyan, Chris, Justin, Bri, Barb, Andy, Autumne and the girls here, the whole IV crowd, "my" freshmen, my fellow chem-es, past graduates (you know who you are), Zeeb and the other random people I've met more recently -- who have made the whole experience totally worth it; my friends elsewhere -- the Storm crowd, IVers at other schools, everybody from Fountain Springs, and the group from the Russia 2005 trip -- that have added to all the extras over the last four years; my professors (of course) ... Wow. It's amazing the people that contribute over a four-plus year span. You have all done so much more than you'll ever know, probably at times you didn't realize. And it's these things that I'll remember when things get rough or strange ... or wonderful.

On that note, I should get back to work or go to bed. It's been a long, awesome day, and I'm exhausted. Have a great week, everybody.


About Brandon said…
Congratulations! You will be greatly missed, but I'm confident that God has big plans for your you to shine brightly wherever you go!

Brandon & Jennifer
Anonymous said…

Congratulations!! Wow, an official engineer...crazy. Good luck with all the job interviews. Keep us up to date with what you decide on. God bless!

Cherry C.

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