
Not listening to: footsteps over my head, cars driving by, random radios, televisions, or people
I rave about this place every time I'm here, and for good reason. It's quiet. It's (moderately) secluded. It's pretty, especially on a clear night like tonight. Above all -- it's escape.
Don't get me wrong. I like school. I like Rapid City. I'll miss it all when January rolls around. Sometimes, though, the attitude of the general Tech crowd is stifling. Sometimes I'd rather be alone. Sometimes I just need to get the heck out of town.
Besides, my grandparents are pretty cool people.

And so here I sit, knowing that I won't be particularly tired for a couple more hours, even with the reminder that I'll be awake when the sun comes up, that my grandparents will be up at ranchers' hours (a.k.a. hours I usually only see from the other direction), that I'll feel guilty if I sleep past eight even if they're okay with it.
Tomorrow I'll head back to life as it is generally known, and I'll be happy to be back. I'll jump back into things as usual, but I'll have a calm memory to keep me sane when I get frustrated with computers or interview stress or people's stupidity.
For now, I don't have to deal with any of that. And as long as I'm not sleeping, I intend to enjoy the solitude.
(Photos courtesy of my grandparents.)
Close my eyes and hold my heart
Cover me and make me something
Change this something normal
Into something beautiful
-Jars of Clay, "Something Beautiful," from The Eleventh Hour