
Happy Easter!

I headed back to my parents' place for the weekend; here I sit in the (now) computer room, trying to organize my thoughts at an earlier hour than usual.'

I just returned from church, where I took part in the prayer vigil. Each year, they set up the vigil to last from some point on Friday night till some point on Saturday night/Sunday morning. This year and last year, it is/was from midnight to midnight. I like to take part when it's still dark, and as such, I signed up for the 5AM slot.

Early mornings like today leave a lot of time for thought. It's been an interesting year, full of events and challenges that, five years ago, no one could have predicted. Alas, that was only a small portion of the thoughts in my head.

Last night, one of the last readings was about ... today. It's Saturday. But it's not just any Saturday -- it's the lost day, the day between Good Friday and Easter. It's a solemn day, but it's a confusing day. I wonder what happened 2000 years ago, when this Saturday (whatever day it was then) fell between two massive events. It was the eye of the hurricane, the momentary calm. It was a day of utmost uncertainty. I wonder about the confusion and the trials that the disciples faced that day, things that aren't written ... The fear, the loss, the persecution, the hiding ...

Part of the reading last night said that this world, our world, is trapped in Saturday. We're lost somewhere between the darkness of Friday, and the hope of Sunday. I liked that ... Saturday is nothing but grey, somewhere between death and life, much like our world.

I think each of our lives could fit somewhere on this spectrum. Maybe some of you are getting closer to the evening, physically or spiritually. Maybe you are getting closer to hope. Or maybe it's still early morning, where the pain is still freshest. I think I'm somewhere towards mid-afternoon, where things seem clearer in daylight but are still so baffling that things get confusing.

In any case, there's a lot to think about today. Maybe I should get some more sleep first.

No. First, I'm going to go watch the sunrise. I'm up now, I might as well.

It's been so long since I've seen the sunrise ...


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