
Spent a large (quite large) chunk of today baking. It's fairly easy to judge how my week went according to how much I bake on the weekends; this week, it was three batches of cookies and two loaves of bread. 8 out of 10 on the long weeks.

Thankfully, that baking was followed by a game night, including a pie-eating contest and two awesome games of Balderdash. I was talked into taking part in the pie-eating contest, which wasn't a terribly good idea (oof), but Balderdash made up for it. Much creativity and lots of laughs with that crowd. (You guys are awesome!)

(Matt, Justin -- y'all missed out!)

A bunch of us watched "Walk the Line" at the guys' house last night. This was my first time seeing the movie, and I think I understand my housemate's obsession with it. Not a bad movie; overall, I was impressed with the acting (and the singing -- especially the singing). It was a little surprising to see Joaquin Phoenix in a role that ... that ... I don't quite know. Faceted? This wasn't a one-dimensional role.

Bad weather expected; we actually went on a state-wide civil alert this afternoon, warning against travel within the state. It started raining earlier, and we're supposed to get snow until Monday or Tuesday (up to 18 inches, depending on which weather report you read). Please pray for all of those at state basketballl; some of them have long drives ahead.

The house is empty again. Some nights I'd feel self-conscious about that (being that it's Saturday and I'm home alone), but tonight it feels good. In reality, I'm still an introvert, and living with three other girls doesn't lead to much alone time. After a week like this last one, it feels great to defrag in peace.

Speaking of which, I'm going to get back to it. Have a good weekend, all.

I am hanging on every word you say
Even if you don't wanna speak tonight
That's alright, alright ...
Cuz I want nothing more than
To sit outside Heaven's door
And listen to you breathe
That's where I want to be.
-Lifehouse, "Breathing"


Anonymous said…
What makes french toast crunch?
Anonymous said…
Jeeze, I miss out on your blog for one week and you write scads of posts! I hope all is well for you now that you're free in Rapid. I'll call you soon, if you don't me. Lots to discuss.

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