Happy 200th Post!

Happy 200th post to me ...

That's right, I've hit a benchmark. I passed the 100th post awhile back, when the post counter wasn't working. Now, I have this one to celebrate.

I've been on Blogger now for 2 years and 7 months ... That's one post every 4 days and 21 hours (or so) ... Thanks to all of my faithful readers (the three of you) and my less-faithful readers (a few more there, I think), and those who just stumble in when my blog appears on the "Most Recently Updated" list on blogger.com.

Observations for today:

-The only good thing about V-day is the automatic markdown on chocolate the day after. Mmmm, chocolate.

-Yahoo! weather isn't always reliable. Today was supposed to be cloudy with a small chance of snow. We've already passed that "maximum 1 inch" mark that I read about this morning. And there's no sign of it stopping just yet.

-It's much easier to drive when you have fresh windshield wiper blades.

-My mother has lost her mind. First I get a potholder in the mail, then she buys a massive plasma screen TV. This is not the same woman I grew up with. Except maybe for the potholder.

-My posts aren't nearly as interesting as they used to be.

-I still don't know what to do with the rest of my life.

Okay, I think that's all I can handle for now. There's a long weekend coming up (woot!) during which time I will likely be doing homework, reading, and doing more homework. We shall see if any posts come out of that time.

In the meantime, keep my Russia presentation in your thoughts and prayers, please. That's tomorrow night, and I'm not ready just yet.

Later, all.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny..."
-- Issac Asimov


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