
Showing posts from December, 2005


I'm done. :S


It’s Christmas. Okay, you knew I couldn’t resist. You knew there was no way I could let a big holiday go by without saying something more than “Yay!” Deal with it. It’s Christmas, almost. All the telltale signs are there, from the Salvation Army Santas to the shopping day countdowns. (I would say store décor, but I don’t consider Halloween to be Christmas season.) Heck, there’s even snow on the ground ... or there was, until yesterday. A bunch of our neighbors have their lights up now … We’re starting to look like the neighborhood Scrooges. I will no longer judge those houses that aren’t decorated – they might be poor college students. I enjoy the season. I’ve said this before, and it’s worth restating. Despite the knowledge that it’s a temporary thing, that in a month it will all be forgotten, that there are so many people just “faking it” for a while … despite the knowledge that I live in a land where a holy holiday can become a marketing bonanza … I choose to enjoy it. Maybe...

General Boredom

'Tis the season for final exams, freakishly cold weather, and supersaturated department stores. Unfortunately, all I've been able to talk about lately is my hideously boring but stressful schedule. For that, I apologize. Now, if only I could come up with a worthwhile topic ... In only six days, I will be done. Then it's home for the holidays--kind of. Technically speaking, I will be home for Christmas. Much travel planned. A trip back out here to go skiing (or watch people ski, whatever), hopefully two trips to Minneapolis, at least one trek to Huron ... Good stuff. There's really not a whole lot to say. Most of the comments I could make on my present life would somehow get me in trouble with someone who would stumble on this thing (*cough*) by some accident of nature, and I just don't want to deal with that. It's Christmas season. I enjoy Christmas season ... I like the weather, the lights, the attitude, and I love the food. Even more enjoyable is the l...

Is It Christmas Yet?

32 hours and the worst of it is behind me. And I am counting, dangnabbit. Almost 2 of 4 papers written, 1 final today, and 2 more papers to finish tonight. 2 tests tomorrow. By 4:00 tomorrow, it will be the weekend -- with a vengeance. I need to get out of RC for a bit, or I may lose my mind. I've had rough semesters, much rougher than this one. Volume-wise, however, this is the worst so far. I guess that's expected with the classes I've been taking (you can't do research and NOT write a paper), but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable. How are things out in your worlds? What's going on? Anything new and interesting? Or new and boring? I'll be honest, if it's old, I'm not really interested. Hmm. Well, I'm almost done with my research paper, so perhaps I should finish that. Nothing like a last-minute read-through. Woot.


I am stressed. And I thought about this post from a year ago ... tomorrow. Irony.


After much deliberation, I have decided to name my new platypus Morty. He just looks like a Morty to me. Not much else to report. I've been working on physical chemistry problems and my research paper since senior design ended this morning, and that makes my life rather dull. I can't wait till Christmas.


Ibuprofen, tea bags and a mug, fresh pencils, CD-Rs in my backpack. Pepsi in the fridge, right next to a week's worth of lunch supplies. A crate of textbooks in the back seat of my car. Cell phone charger and antacid on hand, just in case. I think I'm just about ready for this week. 1 presentation, 1 quiz, 2 tests, 4 papers. 120 hours to take care of all of these. After that, it's only finals. And then ... done! Christmas, here I come! Back to work. Have a good week!