A Wedding, A Concert, And Seven Hours Of Sleep ... What A Weekend

Spork and Sarah are married! How weird is that ... The wedding was beautiful, the reception was pretty cool (and the steak was awesome), and now it's back to real life.

Actually, the weekend as a whole was beyond psychotic. After work on Friday I headed to Storm to catch Eric for a little while and meet his new girlfriend. I have to say, Eric, she's pretty cool. Maybe it's the math major thing. :)

Didn't end up leaving until 2:30 in the morning, at which point it was useless to go to bed. Barb and I left RC at 6:30 to pick up Ashli and head to Iowa for the wedding, and I got a little sleep between Wall and Chamberlain (a little under a two-hour drive).

Unfortunately, that was all for the day. Egads.

We booked it to SuFu, where we met up with Andy and continued on to Iowa. The wedding was held in the best-looking little town I've ever seen (it was almost frightening), and after the reception we headed back to SuFu for the night. I deserted the other three and went home; when I finally went to bed at 11:30, it took approximately a minute and a half to fall asleep.

Sunday, we left town shortly after 11:00 and were back in RC in time for Barb to make it to her cousin's wedding reception and for me to call Eric and say so long one more time. I had hoped to catch him while he was still in town, but ... yeah. No deal.

We were only in town for about an hour and a half, and then the three of us (the girls) headed to Deadwood for the Big & Rich concert, which was beyond awesome. Downtown Deadwood, in the middle of the street, on a beautiful day ... There were more people there than at any of the other concerts I've ever been to, and they were everywhere. In front of the stage, behind the stage, in windows (one guy almost dropped a window A/C unit on unsuspecting sidewalk-dwellers), on rooftops, standing on cars ... It was craziness, and so much fun. The show was good, the people were cool (except whoever it was behind me that felt the need to spray beer over the crowd), and the weather was perfect for it.

Ashli took off this morning instead of driving back to the booming metropolis of Interior last night, and I headed off to work again, only to find that I'm mostly just going to be working on my final report all week. Lots of time with a computer or buried in the library.

After last Thursday, that's okay with me. Especially since, when I'm not at work, I'll be packing and trying to iron out all of the stuff for Russia.

T-minus ten days and counting. Eek.

The problem with getting a life is making the payments.


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