Summertime In The City

The magic of the longest day of the year is upon us. The sun blazes, the temperature rises (it’s about stinking time), and thunder cracks overhead while rain falls on the little city of Rapid. Oh, and the sprinklers are on across campus. Nobody understands that one completely.

At long last it feels like summer. After an uncharacteristically cool start (take, for instance, the snow in May), some of us were wondering if we were going to get our hot weather at all. This week, the highs are in the 80s and 90s. There’s even some genuine humidity; not quite like at home, where you step outside into Insta-Sweat conditions, but palpable nonetheless.

It's evident everywhere on campus -- lab students dare to wear sandals, geology field campers stink more than usual, and visiting high school girls run naked. Well, not quite, but I suspect that's the next step after the level of clothing they currently wear.

Actually, I'm not a big fan of summer. I have a much easier time warming up than cooling down, and prefer the long winters to the summer in general. However, my short attention span lends to boredom with the weather (even around here, where you don't need an attention span longer than about five minutes) and it's been cool long enough. That and the storms are fun to watch. Time for summer!

On the topic of weather, I hope things are going okay out in the Badlands, Ashli, and that no more windows have blown in. Saw some scary clouds headed your way.

In addition to the magic of summer, I have rediscovered the magic of the microwave. Specifically of making myself bacon and eggs in the microwave. I may never be hungry again ... well, at least not this week. Or at least not until tomorrow, when I wake up late and skip breakfast again so I can make it to work on time.

Speaking of which, my lunch break is over. Happy microwaving to all of you!

Unbeing dead isn't being alive.
e. e. cummings


Anonymous said…
Hello Hello Hello from the Great Plains of Illinois....or the somewhat scary city of pick!

It sounds like the Big and Rich concert was a great time, and I'm glad to hear! If i was back home I woulda road tripped out and went with you! Things are rocky here-Jen will most likely be on the market in short order (the dating market that is)

Take care and have fun!

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