Lester, We Hardly Knew Ye

Ah, yes. Interesting day.

Fortunately, I'm willing and able to get up and move around. Fever's gone, general happiness ensues.

Unfortunately, Lester (my betta) died this morning sometime. Not shocking, mind you -- he's been swimming kind of crooked for a couple of days, and on Thursday he had a minor run-in with the carpet. Bit surprised he lasted till today. Still, that's the longest I've had a betta last. (And before someone goes weird on me, that IS how betta -- in terms of the fish -- is spelled.)

Worst part of my day: losing my cell phone while hiking in the woods.

Best part of my day: finding my cell phone while hiking in the woods.

I know, I know, I shouldn't have even had it with me in the first place. Honestly, I had intended to leave it in the car, but didn't remember until about halfway down the canyon we were hiking. Somewhere after that, it jumped out of my pocket.

Anyway, hiking was good, not being sick was good, Lester dying was bad ... Basic summary right there. Now I'm off in search of food. Have a good weekend, folks.

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip?


Anonymous said…
I am truly sorry to hear that Lester died. It breaks my heart. As the giver of said dead fish, as well as someone who understands your pain all too well, I feel it my duty to express my condolences.
Anonymous said…
I am truly sorry to hear that Lester died. It breaks my heart. As the giver of said dead fish, as well as someone who understands your pain all too well, I feel it my duty to express my condolences.
Ashley said…
Whoa, easy on the repetitions, chica. Just hit the "Publish" button once, okay? ;) Thanks for the condolences. He will be missed by all ... well, me, anyway.

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