Singin' In The Rain . . .


It doesn't rain much around here, but last night--wow. Last night, the sky decided to fall on Rapid City.

It started as some distant thunder and a few storm warnings. Then, with a crack of lightning, the sky opened up and the rain came much as the Flood of ancient history.

Few things bring college students out of their rooms like a downpour. Half of my hall poured out in various forms. We jumped around for a moment, then ducked into hiding when the hail hit. A few moments later, the puddles started to form ... A horde of boys from upstairs went for a quick run (without shirts, naturally). The rest of us splashed each other.

Then, the news: a lake was forming behind the building. Voom, we're on it like white on rice. We jump, we dive, we splash, we swim, we kick, we chase after floating flip-flops.

After a week of pure hell--tests, homework, and strangely conflicting stressors--this was what we needed. This half-hour release refreshed us. Mother Nature saw our pain and relieved it.

Yay for rain.

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


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