College Happenings

Things are back in full swing around here, and as such, life is getting strange again.

Homework is homework. The interesting thing about going to a school full of nerds is that, well, everybody studies. If you don't study, you end up at BH. Or at least, you end up NOT HERE.

Don't take that to mean that nobody parties. One of the girls on our floor and her friend came back last night more than a little snockered, and it took two RAs to get things calmed down. Things got better, but those RAs didn't get much sleep, and the girls were feeling it this morning.

Also this morning, my RA/old roomie stepped into the shower only to be greeted by a 3 foot tall cow statue.

This cow, Daisy, has been passed around campus since September, starting in the administrative offices and making her way to the dorms of late. Yesterday, she was downstairs. This morning, she was in our shower.

Also recent: more stupid people making other, slightly less stupid people (like myself) very frustrated. Some people should just be banned from speaking. It's not healthy for them to stick their feet down their throats so effectively.

I need topics. If you have any ideas, you should really email me.

Well, all for now. Bye.

Wouldn't marathons be a lot more interesting if after the race started, hungry wild animals were released onto the course? Tigers would be fun.

- R.M. Weiner


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