
Okay, okay, so maybe my sister had something with that. Either way, it works as a title for now.

I've been thinking I might have to use this as more of a genuine journal, not so much as the general rants I have. Then again, I have a genuine journal, where I hate to write rants (typing's much easier), so why mess with a working system?

Yay for paydays!

I'm being told to write about body hair today (and why it's pointless), but, well, that's a little creepy. I can see the pointless part, however. We now wear extra layers to stay warm, and there are those who shave it all off anyway (i.e. swimmers).

Well, enough about that; I'm already grossed out.

Let's see here ...

Today I actually accomplished a couple things. But that's dull. Work was normal (I'm getting annoyed with select individuals, but that's life and I'll deal with it), and there are no major stories.

I realize, however, that I've only alluded to the gerbil-squishing incident but have yet to explain it fully. So here goes:

We had a gerbil and a hampster at the beginning of the year. Nice, well-behaved little hampster; evil little white-rat-like gerbil. The scene: Friday, about 4:30. Most of the kids have gone home, and there are about fifteen left. I'm starting to watch the clock; I'm off in an hour.

The kids had permission to play with the hampster, but naturally one of them felt the need to get the evil gerbil out. One coworker asks me if they should put them back, since they took both out anyway; I say yeah, probably a good idea. The hampster ends up back in his cage and the gerbil's on the way, when he decides to bite Anonymous Little Boy's hand. Little Boy drops gerbil. Chaos ensues as they try to catch them.

Gerbil gets stepped on.

By a six-year-old girl.

The poor girl. Nothing like squishing the class pet and making him do death spasms on the floor in a pool of his own blood to cap off your summer. Worst part is, we were only two weeks in.

Anyway, that's the sordid story. It was my gross story for the summer. Right up until the loud sex incident.

Ew, ew, ew, EW, EW!!

Ah, what a summer. I can hardly believe it's almost over. I'm kinda glad it is, but at the same time ... I don't know. Some of my anticipation has worn off, but I suppose that's because I'm finally staying busy. Of course, I could just be channeling it ... I'm staying busy getting ready for school.


Well, that's all for now. See you tomorrow for the next scintillating topic

Au revoir!

I'm NOT in denial!!

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