The Requisite V-Day Post

(or: “A Post of Links to Everything Else”)

I have shared my thoughts on Valentine’s Day in the past.

I don’t really need to repeat myself.

I'd rather give you other things to do. Keep an eye out for green text.

If you want to hear what I think of V-Day ... There’s this incredibly rant-y one from 2005 and the SWG2L post I wrote last year which happens to be much calmer and more practical.

If you’d rather hear a sweet story about someone else (I know I would), this lovely lady wrote something about her husband. [They’re awesome people, both separately and as a couple. My name is Ashley and I approve this message.]

If you’re looking for a movie to watch with or without that special someone, I recommend redblog ... and I really need to put a permanent link in my sidebar. Heck, I read it every day -- so should you!

Actually, there are two specific posts: movies for married folks and movies for single guys.

As for the single women, may I suggest you pick something fun, light, and with some serious eye candy? Or something with explosions and eye candy. (Note the “must-have” here.) I’ll probably be watching “Star Trek” because I like it so darn much. (And Chris Pine? Yes, please.)

Let’s see ... what else could I throw at you?

Oh yeah! I don’t think I’ve ever linked all of these together officially, so here are my L Word posts. They're not bad.

Actually, you may notice that the second part involves that same awesome couple ...

That’s probably more than enough reading material for you. If I’m really on top of things, I may be posting something about online dating sites later this weekend. Not a rant, I promise -- but a half-conversation I had with a certain former roommate (yes, that’s you, dear) made me want to put those thoughts on paper ... or screen ... or whatever. We’ll see how that goes.

In the meantime, I’m going to get on with enjoying my weekend. The B, some tango, some craft beer, and tomorrow night -- a party! A party for which I’m really, REALLY not ready. But that’s okay. I will be. Hopefully.

Have a good weekend, all!


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