Wanna hear something crazy?

I've been at this blogging thing for ten years.

For an entire decade, I've regaled you with stories of my jobs and my life, from the squished gerbil in my daycare days to the obnoxious glee that I have now about my location and occupation. I've told you about all sorts of daily problems and some of the more interesting things. I even told you about Grocery Store Guy. I wrote a short blurb about an amusing but mediocre movie and it became the default search term for someone.

For ten years, you've seen me through relationships, locations, jobs, attempts at philosophy and photography, and a whole lot of random. You've let me grow up on this blog. You've seen blog name changes (hence the now-unrelated URL) and about a dozen different layouts. You've come and go, but in general have increased in number, which has kept me writing.

I know this isn't a place people visit for profundity. Heck, sometimes you might just be trying to keep up with xkcd and can't remember the letters for it. Yet you're here.

And for that, I thank you.

I know I'm not a big-time blogger. I don't do contests, don't give you surveys, don't have a theme or cover a lot of hot topics. But I appreciate that you've come along with me on this ride (some of you from the very beginning) and have put up with my lack of focus, even encouraged it from time to time.

I'd love to follow that with the promise of a gift, but ... I work for a church camp. A thank you is about all I can afford.

Instead, I'll leave you with this pigtail bridge picture.


Amanda said…
Congratulations!! Keep writing, and I'll keep reading.

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