General Update & A Sick Day (Bah)

I'm quickly approaching post number 600. It's odd, since #500 happened only about five months ago (this is easily the bloggingest year I've had), but all the same, 600 is coming.

I won't be treating that one as a landmark post. Not because it's not a landmark -- it is -- but like so many other things in life, it's overshadowed by the very round-numbered landmark that it follows. Plus odds are good it'll be a random post that I email while at work.

It was a fun weekend. I went to Minneapolis to hang out with Mia Sorella, shop, and relax. It's come to the point where relaxation only seems to occur when I leave and intentionally look for it ... Unlike last year at this time, life in Wausau is full of people and things to do.

Not a lot I can say about it that would interest the rest of you. Mia Sorella found a winter coat; I found a hat rack. We had some good Indian food. The Mall was overrun with high school girls looking for homecoming dresses. That was about the time I had to stop shopping.

Then I woke up this morning with a headache so huge it made me dizzy. I called in sick and spent the next six hours or so trying to sleep, since the ibuprofen I took didn't seem to help. It wasn't until 3:00 that I managed to eat anything, the headache having calmed down to a genuine ache instead of a stabbing pain.

I'm still not sure what happened. It didn't seem like my "normal" migraines. And my sinuses still feel a little funny. If I'm tremendously unlucky, it'll be what several of my coworkers have had. I'm actually hoping it was just an odd migraine.

So there's a full update on the life of Ashley. Not a terribly interesting one, I'll grant you. These next two weeks hold some work, United Way Week, a paintball outing, and a wedding in Minneapolis. Sounds much more interesting, hm?

Yeah, I thought so too.

Tonight, I do a little work (I have my laptop sitting there, waiting to be used) so I'm not so behind tomorrow. And then I see if I can sleep any kind of normal hours. Could be a long shot.

And I need to find my copy of Mansfield Park. It's around here somewhere, I'm sure of it.

Have a good night, all.


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