
How on earth do I start writing here again?

I'm serious. I have a pile of partially written posts (many of which will never see the light of day, or only will if there are a dozen other changes in the world and/or my life) but for over a year now I've been absent.

Okay, so my parenthetical explanation there might explain that year. A little.

In the year since we last talked, there have been new jobs (yes, more than one), new apartments (yes, more than one... sort of) and friends have moved back and away. Birthday parties. Engagements. Hospital visits. Car repairs. Not many vacations. Hikes. Somewhere in there, sling backpacks became stylish. The third stage of the MCU reached its conclusion. Hopper might be stuck in Siberia.

And I became an aunt, for crying out loud. (My niece is officially into the "adorable" stage now.)

Through it all, I've had plenty to say and absolutely no desire to say it here.

A month or so ago, I started to evaluate the why of this. Why did I let this site go silent? Other hiatuses (hiati?) were resolved by a redesign or a name change, but this time I found I didn't want to change much. It seemed instead the problem was simple: I didn't feel much like writing.

I wanted to want to write. Not the same thing.

It would be easy to blame an increasingly hostile online environment, a dearth of good ideas, or a lack of time. (Okay, one of those is a legitimate reason for me. I'll let you guess which one.) The real truth is that there are certain mindsets from which I can write and a couple from which I cannot. I have been stuck in the latter for a long time.

Things have changed. Hello again. My name is Ashley. With any luck, we can talk books in the near future and perhaps I'll even start writing a series about job searches. (If there's one thing I've mastered in the last three years, it is how to apply for jobs and somehow still not find one for a very long time.) Post some pictures from upcoming trips and hikes.

And hey, I'm sure I'll be re-posting comics. It's what I do.

Hi. It's good to be back.


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