
I'm finding myself thinking about a stack of products today.

That's what happens, right? It's the week of Black Friday, and I'm supposed to be thinking about products ... right?

Okay, so it's actually the week of Thanksgiving and what I'm actually thinking about starts with something very Thanksgiving-y. And then it shifts into some awesome Internet things because apparently today is just one of those days.

So! First. FiveThirtyEight ran a Thanksgiving Thunderdome Poll to determine the best meal for tomorrow.

I recommend reading it based almost entirely on Walt Hickey's, um, "analysis" of the results. [Note: I am impressed that the healthier options won out over some of the more traditional unhealthy options.]


OK Go released their newest video.

It is another must-see.

I love it for multiple reasons. This is my favorite song from "Hungry Ghosts" (really, one of my very favorite songs from OK Go) and ... Wow. Here I thought zero gravity was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. When in doubt, think small. In this case, small time... Full notes on the video can be found here, including an awesomely huge spreadsheet. [Rated PG-13.]

And another!

There is now a Litograph poster for the Wait But Why post on Mars. Yes, this is an actual product link because -- quite frankly -- I want one. And because I'm all for supporting WBW. (Besides, this is less a "Black Friday" thing for him and more of a "hey, we actually got our stuff together so we can sell stuff before Christmas!" thing.)

Finally, REI is running their #OptOutside campaign again. I have high hopes that, as our clan is gathering in the Hills this year and we have so many excellent options available to us, I can talk my own family into not hitting those sales... I'm thinking it won't be too difficult.


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