Summer Perks At Storm

One of the perks to summer are the staff outings.

Okay, also just the summer staffers as a whole. This particular crowd is several different kinds of nutty. Which is why over the course of a single day I can have a conversation about purchasing different varieties of sword in Europe and also get the reindeer-lullaby-like-song from "Frozen" stuck in my head for several hours.

Anyway. Back to the outing thing.

Generally, we try to find one day we can spend out exploring the Hills. This year ... no such opportunity has presented itself. Instead, we've managed a couple mini-outings this year, including this evening -- pizza, Dairy Queen (a required stop), and a private tour at Wind Cave that I will have to give it's own separate post to do it justice.

Our guide? Another former staffer. Because she's awesome.

Not a bad way to spend the only free night in July.


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