A Stormy Night

It's the first day of summer. This evening, I find myself holed up at home (not part of the original plan) thanks to some thunderstorms in the area that would suck the fun out of ... most everything. They already made driving unpleasant and hiking downright miserable.

Instead, I can use my time to do a little trip daydreaming over at Atlas Obscura, my newest find in my attempt to make future excursions more interesting, both local and long-distance.

So far, my Compendium of Wonders consists of a pile of random museums, a few disaster zones and ghost towns, at the world's largest ball of paint. Now, to start checking things off...

Not tonight, though. Tonight, I prep for another week of camp, do some much-needed laundry (seems I'm behind on most normal grown-up requirements right now), and watch my very favorite Ben Stiller movie.


"Congratulations, you've just joined the 76% of Americans who forget to stretch before doing any physical activity."


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