Lazy On A Friday/Links & Stuff

I'm a collector of hobbies.

It's true. Some of that is because I don't sit still well. Some of it stems from the first few months I was in Wausau, back when I didn't really know people and abruptly had to find ways to entertain myself. In any case, I've retained a lot of those hobbies and rather excited about getting to tackle them this summer.

So ... First of all, there's this friend of mine sharing her photography skills with the world. If you're like me and just don't get enough out of your camera, I recommend checking out her posts.

Secondly, I discovered something fantastic earlier this week ... This blog chronicles the available lake kayaking in the Sioux Falls area and I suspect it could be helpful for other folks around here. Since this is the first summer I've spent here in a decade, I'm looking for all the help I can get.

Third ... To area folks, hey, there's a rugby game tomorrow (12:30) at Marion Park. Weather permitting, you should check it out. (Hmm. Placement here is odd. This isn't actually one of my acquired hobbies. I just like watching rugby.)

On a completely unrelated note, I'm about to forsake my beloved Chacos (poor destroyed things ... may they rest in peace) for a pair of these. Hopefully they protect my feet a bit more when I hit said lakes.

And hey ... They're not totally inappropriate for work. Always a bonus.

And that's my Friday. Thrilling, eh?


Amanda said…
Those look like Keens. If they are, you are in for a treat. I started out with just a pair of sandals, but I loved them so much my "every day" shoes as well as my "traveling through Europe" shoes are also Keens.
Ashley said…
They ARE Keens ... and so far I love them! Granted, since I've had them for less than six hours they haven't been through much yet (note: also haven't left my feet), but I'm itching for the chance to take them out on the lake and test 'em for real...
Whitney H said…
You'll love the Keens. I can't wear mine enough. I'm excited that it's summer so I can break them out again. I'm excited to have them in the Boundary Waters for the first time ever this summer as well. No more switching shoes for portage and paddle.

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