
Umwelt is the idea that because their senses pick up on different things, different animals in the same ecosystem actually inhabit very different worlds...

Okay. Okay. I know. I haven't posted much of my own stuff lately.

I haven't really heard complaints, either.

But this ... this requires recognition.

And pictures.

For April Fool's this year, xkcd has comics determined by your browser and location. I started to get curious about how many different ones had turned up and in searching the forum, I ended up with thirty-some images without really trying.

I won't post them all ... but here are a few to enjoy. You may have to click on them so they're readable. (Also, some of them contain adult language. Just so ya know.)

[If you arrived from the xkcd Wikipedia page...]

(This one turns up for those coming from the .mil domain...)


JustMe said…
Are you waiting for complaints?

Very well, your dedicated readership demands more of your stuff! Is that better?

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