Blast From The Past

It was confirmation day in church today. For our church, this means they're in the 14-16 range, mostly freshmen with a few sophomores thrown in.

One of those girls was someone I knew from my days at the scrapes and burns factory nine years ago. It was kind of nuts. More accurately, she was the source of this story (which I'm pulling from an old post because it wasn't the only topic in said post)...

We had a gerbil and a hampster at the beginning of the year. Nice, well-behaved little hampster; evil little white-rat-like gerbil. The scene: Friday, about 4:30. Most of the kids have gone home, and there are about fifteen left. I'm starting to watch the clock; I'm off in an hour.

The kids had permission to play with the hampster, but naturally one of them felt the need to get the evil gerbil out. One coworker asks me if they should put them back, since they took both out anyway; I say yeah, probably a good idea. The hampster ends up back in his cage and the gerbil's on the way, when he decides to bite Anonymous Little Boy's hand.  
Little Boy drops gerbil. Chaos ensues as they try to catch him.
Gerbil gets stepped on.

By a six-year-old girl. 
The poor girl. Nothing like squishing the class pet and making him do death spasms on the floor in a pool of his own blood to cap off your summer. Worst part is, we were only two weeks in.
I managed to not greet her with, "Hey, I remember you! You killed the class pet!"

Now all I can think is ... Oh, crap. Most of those kids can drive now.

Stay off the sidewalks, folks.


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