Adding Perspective

Dr. Dennis: [On TV] Get real, Kevin, 'cause when you feel like a dirtbag, it's because you're a dirtbag. Right? So just own it. Say it out loud: "I am a dirtbag." 
Lou: Dirtbag? I don't think that guy's a real doctor.
(From "Over the Hedge." Cinematic masterpiece? Maybe not. Occasionally hilarious? Definitely.)

I have come to believe that everyone should do a truly random job at least once in their adult life. I'm not talking about the things you did when you were sixteen or while putting yourself through college, but something later in life, something that is completely different than what you've always done.

The last year and a half has been good for perspective, if nothing else, and my newest employment has been particularly interesting so far.

And -- here's something fun -- it's slowly restoring my faith in humanity.

Doesn't seem to make sense, does it? Here's the thing. I do a lot of TV-related number crunching, and all those shows in the middle of the day? Judge Whoever, Doctor Guy, The Dramatic & The Overacting? No one watches them.

Okay, so not no one. Clearly. But not enough to make it worthwhile to buy commercial spots.

And that just makes me feel better.

Now, if I could do something about the numbers pulled by some of those prime time shows (I had no idea so many men watched "American Idol") life would be great. Those still weird me out a little.


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