News Feed

1. Barb (from the days of Connolly Hall) and her husband Tyler had their first baby yesterday! Which means that a) Barb's a mom (how odd does that sound) and b) their son is a leap year baby. Both of which are pretty cool. Congratulations, kids.

2. Daz has officially accepted an offer to go work in Amsterdam for two years. Doesn't that sound rough?

3. On a related note, I think it's high time I went to Europe. Maybe in awhile, after someone's settled in and I've saved up a bit. (And when he has vacation time...)

4. We had our first thunderstorm of the year. On the 28th. With a temperature hovering right around freezing. It's been an odd winter.

5. Mia Sorella got moved to her new apartment and today I got to see it via Skype. Very cool -- it's a real apartment and everything! More than 200 square feet! A separate bedroom! Two, even!

6. I wonder if part of the catalyst there was realizing that having two guests in her old place got really crowded very quickly?

7. Seriously, though, it's a pretty nice little place.

8. My own news is less interesting. I'm still treading water. I hate waiting.

9. Oh well.

10. I have the incredible urge to go to a movie...


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