Why? Well, It's Been Awhile

Dumbest thing I've said today: "How spoiled have we gotten that suddenly 17 degrees is so freaking cold?"

Strictly speaking, I have things I should talk about.

Like the wedding. The wedding was fabulous. And after I finish "fixing up" a couple of pictures (they were taken in a rather dark room), I may post more.

For now, I have little to say of use.

It's finally acting like winter.

My discovery of podcasts last fall has wreaked havoc on life in general. The latest: The Nerdist, introduced to me by BBC America. A fellow nerd interviews people that make nerds like me happy. Like the Eleventh Doctor. (And the Tenth.) The cast of "Community." Patrick Stewart. [Warning to other podcast fanatics: yes, this one has an explicit rating. Yes, it's for a reason.]

Similarly, I've been reminded several times in recent history of why I love The Onion. Sometimes you need to read something that just doesn't take itself too seriously.

Um ... That's about it. Aside from the fit I threw earlier today (something broke and it made me angry), it's been quiet. Not bad, really, just ... quiet.

I'm a little tired of quiet...


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