Scrapbook Hell & Other Stories

1. I am not a scrapbooker. However, there are times I want to find a regular photo album (such as right after returning from an overseas trip) and said albums are frequently found near the scrapbook sections of craft stores. As it turns out, one o'clock on a Friday afternoon is a bad time to go looking because it leads to me getting trapped in scrapbook hell, surrounded by intense scrapbookers with carts loading up on sales items. I was afraid I was going to have to spend the night in that aisle, subsisting on the mints in my purse ... or climbing the display to escape to the frames aisle.

2. All right, it wasn't that bad. Still, it seems that early Friday afternoon should be safe for shopping. Not so much.

3. I did get to talk to a few random strangers, first about what went best with a Minnesota Twins print (besides, you know, flames) and at some point about the craziness of the Friday afternoon traffic.

4. Speaking of which, Sioux Falls continues to make me crazy. Why do people insist on blocking intersections? What does that achieve?! Every time. It's ridiculous.

5. *Ahem.*

6. One of my favorite coffee joints in Sioux Falls wasn't open today. I hesitate to say they're closed for good, but there was an unsettling lack of window posters.

7. On a related note, it seems coffee has a previously unnoticed effect on me: too much of it and I talk to myself more. Just another unsettling fact.

8. The weather was good enough today for me to wear a skirt with my boots. As in recent years, this was exciting to me; my time at Tech taught me that any chance to dress like a girl should be seized. (I love wearing skirts.)

9. Similarly, at some point I'm going to have to start regularly wearing socks again, and I'm not looking forward to it.

10. I was raised by Ford owners and Sophie is herself a Ford. If that weren't the case, it's possible I could be persuaded to buy a Ford simply because both Mike Rowe and Aaron Rodgers endorse them.

11. Yes, I can be swayed by advertising with manly men. I'm not proud.

12. Even the game I'm playing just called me Rain Man. This is not encouraging.

13. I was recently given the opportunity to embarrass a former classmate. I wonder if that picture's been sent yet...

14. Turns out one late propane guy can really screw with your day, right down to ending up blogging when you intended to be in an entirely different location, doing research for an essay. This is a little frustrating.


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