Logging Miles

Last weekend, as mentioned, was a trek to Wisconsin. An Oktoberfest, some quality Red Eye time, some face time with Neubs, the Arnolds, and Emma Jean (and a couple of husbands in there who don't have their own special blog-names) ... And about a thousand miles driven. Not on my own vehicle this time -- Sophie's not built for hauling boxes of junk, but my parents' Exploder is quite capable.

Yesterday, I made a quick trip to the ranch. Shorty left his laptop at home and wanted it back (can't say as I blame him) so we met up there. I had a second motive; per new plans, I had to discuss a few things with Mr. Rogers, who is now going to South Korea with me. [As opposed to Mr. Rodgers, who I'd be quite happy to take to South Korea as well. Alas, he has Vikings to beat this week and then some rest to get. Plus, you know, he has no idea who I am.] Seven hundred miles later, I was back.

Next week, the real fun begins. I'm taking the long way to Seoul (right, like there's a short way). Here to Rapid for a night or two, Rapid to Denver for a night, and early Wednesday morning we'll be at DIA to catch our flights to Seoul. Another eight-hundred miles of driving, just next week.

And then the return trip, of course.

I managed to go four months without logging 3300 miles. Now I'm doing it in four weeks.

The weird part? I'm kind of loving it.


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