Time To Consider Decaf

It's an odd sort of day.

A waiting-for-the-banker-to-call-back kind of day.

A tired-of-applying-for-jobs kind of day.

A holy-cow-it's-windy-it-must-be-fall kind of day.

A must-find-coffee kind of day.

A must-be-comfortable-with-my-nerdiness-because-I-really-want-this-shirt kind of day.

You know. That kind of day.

It could be the comparative idleness. It could be that I've had too much time by myself. It could be that I apparently have speed bumps to deal with before things go smoothly.

It could just be the oddities I'm encountering. For instance, a not-necessarily-required-but-definitely-encouraged course for several of the programs I'm applying for is genetics. As it happens, the local university conglomerate (all of the state schools rolled into one building for the convenience of those in Sioux Falls) offers a class ... except it's apparently "Genertics." You know, genetics but more ... vague.

Not exactly inspiring confidence at the moment.

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
-Albert Einstein


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