Sunday Afternoon

It's a Sunday, which in this house means church, lunch, football. And given that my team is stressing me out, this also means I needed to find something else to do.

So ... I'm playing with some of my favorite pictures.

Making 'em look funky.

Or ... tall.

... Or old. (Which didn't really take much.)

Or ... dignified? Yeah, again, not really any effort needed on my part.

Same for "bright and colorful." I'd forgotten just how blue the sky was that day...

And a pointless foot photo funkified, because I like things like that.

And this one? It was just a perfect day.

(The Great Wall at the Badaling section; the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas; an old farmhouse south of Elm Springs, SD; Sherlock Holmes at the Baker Street tube stop in London; Church of the Savior on Spilt Blood in St. Petersburg; the Sander Lodge at Storm Mountain Center; a seasonal marsh in the Tetons)


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