
While this place can feel pretty dang removed, I have to admit it's not overly so.

I mean, I have good Internet access. Satellite television. The ability to make long distance phone calls, whether or not I choose to. I can chat with Mia Sorella and watch streaming videos (... or Packers games, whatever) without difficulty. And occasionally, a family friend appears to check on things and finds me making lunch.

Okay, so that last one only happened once, and said family friend may or may not have scared the bejeezus out of me. She probably didn't realize that I hadn't had any "real" contact with another human in, oh, about 40 hours, either. May have explained a lot if she had. (Thankfully, I wasn't mid-conversation with myself at the time. That would have been embarrassing.)

While the nearest good-sized town is an hour away (because I refuse to count Wall in that category), it's perfectly within reach -- a fact I intend to abuse later today.

Which is good. I should probably be around people again soon-ish, even if it's not for very long. And I should probably replace some of the groceries I've consumed.

Just one of those things.


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