The Accidental Vegetarian And Other Tales

While I was at the ranch last week -- the cattle ranch, as in a place where beef is raised -- I managed to have entirely vegetarian meals.

It wasn't intentional. In fact, I took a long hard look at the contents of my grandparents' freezer and basically determined that no matter what I pulled out of there, I wasn't going to finish it before I left. Instead, I had the contents of their garden at my disposal ... and so it was that I ate fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and potatoes at every meal instead.

Turns out there are plenty of ways to be creative with those, especially if you add noodles or eggs. (Hey, I needed protein in some form.) Enough ways, in fact, to keep a person eating for a week without getting bored.

There were interruptions, which definitely helped. After all, Shorty's 21st had to be celebrated. There was Mexican food to eat and the new staff of the Gaslight to judge. (Maybe we should give them more than two days before judging too harshly.)

And eventually, I gave up my vegetarian diet and returned to Sioux Falls.

My biggest complaint about the area (which is obvious here, because I complain about it frequently) continues to be my fellow drivers. As it happens, both of the major routes from my parents' place to the west side of town are under construction, meaning that unless I feel like going several miles out of the way, I have to deal with Sioux Falls drivers trying to figure out flashy orange cones.

The several miles out of the way seems more worthwhile each time I take the construction.

I don't actually mind construction all that much. One of these routes was in desperate need of resurfacing and they're managing to keep traffic moving through there. (I'm not sure if there's a whole lot of need for the other project, but no matter.) But oh, do I get tired of people not paying attention.

Really. I know South Dakota doesn't have a text messaging law, but could you please put your phone down when you're going through a construction zone? You're not fooling anyone. We all know what you're doing. If the awkwardly-staring-down-while-moving-slowly thing didn't give you away, the fact that you're swerving all over your lane would.

Back at home, I'm finding myself missing the night sky. Sure, we can see some of it here, but the light pollution limits me to only three of the seven stars in the Little Dipper. Only a matter of time before one or two of the remaining ones are no longer visible.

Bit of a change from the wide open spaces out west.

And that's my week. Some miles traveled, some events have passed, but for the most part ... Well, not quite "just another week." For this year, it's pretty much par for the course, though.


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