A Few Things About You

Last year, Blogger launched a statcounter of their own that came standard with a blog. It was great for a few reasons -- first, for regular bloggers, it meant that we could keep track of a few things without effort. Secondly, it meant that those of us who were frustrated with third-party statcounters could give them up entirely. Third ... it was free.

I like free.

Anyway, it's been an interesting source of information for me, not least of all because it's proving to me daily that yes, people read this thing. I thought perhaps I could share some of that information with you.

First, there's the spread by country (although only the top ten are shown):

Clearly, most of my readers are in the US. Not exactly surprising. Next up is South Korea, which is also not surprising given that Mia Sorella lives there. Russia follows ... likely because I still have a few friends there. Daz was in Italy for a time and as this is an "all-time" stat, I suppose those hits are from him. The rest of them? Well, a former coworker spends some time in Saudi here and there, but other than that, I'm a little confused.

Next, there are the browsers.

All this really tells me is that I have more nerd friends than I realized. The fact that Opera and Safari even register as real colors cracks me up.

The source websites are almost more fun. Clearly linking to Facebook was worth the traffic.

But the funniest stat? The search terms that have led to this blog.

Really, guys?


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