Observations On A Quiet Week

February has been several things.

It has been cold.

It has been oddly emotional.

It has been ... not very interesting.

Last weekend I attended the funeral of Jonah, alongside several friends. While it was good to see everybody, the reason ... well, sucked. Talk of an upcoming summer camping trip (or something to that effect) sounds much, much better. (Our other choice is to wait for a wedding and there just aren't many of us left. I'm not the only bad example of that.)

And then ... The Packers won the Super Bowl. Massive mood swing.

Seriously, that put me in a pretty good mood for the rest of the week.

After that, it was a matter of finding things to do around here. I have plenty of projects and an upcoming tutoring gig. I'm not bored. I've resigned myself to a few more weeks of quiet. Heck, I'm even enjoying it.

Given that I've been pretty busy since I was, oh, fifteen and could get a job (and more importantly, get myself to and from a job), this down time has been fantastic. I'll probably miss it when it's over.



For now ... I bake. And refresh my memory on geometry. And go through boxes and boxes of junk that should have never left Wausau.

Good fun.


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