A Totally Useless Post

Last night I went out to dinner for a friend's birthday. Afterwards we headed to a bar where one of the dinner-goers was working as that night's DJ. This was great for a couple of reasons ... First, because it was about time for me to get out and be social. Second because I got to catch the second half of what may go down in history as Aaron Rodgers' best game.

Following the game, an episode of "Fringe" came on. Now, I've never watched the show but I've always been a little curious about it as it happens to be in the vein of most of the shows I watch -- you know, the solving of strange and/or gory crimes.

The episode on last night? It was called "Marionette." From IMDb, "When the Fringe Team investigates a case where a victim had his heart extracted, it's just the beginning of a series of mysterious and reanimating events tied together."

Yes. The episode featured an "extracted heart" -- that is, a guy harvesting organs -- and reanimation. Sort of. That was the marionette part, and it was just plain spooky.

For the record? The show is mostly just stomach-turning when you can only see what's going on without hearing any of the accompanying exposition. Interesting, but stomach-turning.

As a general rule, I have rather vivid and memorable dreams. This particular episode led to another round of serial killer dreams.

Yes, another. It's an alarming trend.

And so it is that, on the wave of a Packers win and a night of psychopaths hunting me in my sleep, I was launched into the week. With a start like that it seems there should be much more in store than there seems to be at present...


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