Pop Culture...

... Things ... Whose Appeal I Just Don't Understand

1. Justin Bieber.
2. Twilight.
3. The ensuing vampire phenomenon. (Seriously -- what the heck?!)
4. "American Idol."
5. Most reality TV, actually.
6. World of Warcraft.
7. Dane Cook.
8. Julia Roberts.
9. Professional football ... even though I watch it.

Actually, the list could probably go on for days. Despite the number of things I happen to love that not everybody else understands (like my newfound obsession with "Community" or the fact that I own "Psych" bobbleheads), there are so many things that I find myself wondering about now that I have access to regular television.

Really, it could be summarized by the fact that, as a whole, I do not understand American pop culture. I don't know as I ever have.

But hey, it's amusing.

[January 5th Addendum:
10. Anything of or relating to the Kardashians. (Really, what exactly did they do to initially become famous? I'm so confused.)
11. Katy Perry. (Erg.)
12. FarmVille.]


Lee Ryan said…
I love Community. Awesome show.
Ashley said…
Surprisingly reassuring. My sister introduced it while she was home and I've been watching it rather obsessively since. (HILARIOUS.)
daz said…
i kinda like the whole vampire phenomenon....well actually i like the vampire movies before twilight (ie Queen of the Damned, and the Underworld movies).

i also like Katy Perry :-P
Ashley said…
And, shockingly, I STILL refuse to watch movies with you!

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