Turkey Turkey Turkey...

There's a lot of random stuff going on around here.

On the surface, there's the Thanksgiving prep.

A little further down, there's a sleep-deprived me from trying (unsuccessfully) to get a plane ticket set up for Mia Sorella for Christmas.

And Dad, who had to put in a couple hours of driving this morning and hope he didn't have to call out his salt-and-sanders.

And Mom, who got up when he did (a couple hours earlier than the "standard" Thanksgiving) and baked pie two pies before the turkey even got going.

And Shorty, who left school a day early thanks to the weather that forced Dad to drive this morning.

But --

... this is the clincher ...

All of us that could be here are here.

We're all healthy.

While there's plenty more going on (family issues, unemployment, potential travel problems, plane tickets that refuse to be purchased) ... the basics are covered.

And then some.

While I'm looking forward to Christmas and the five of us all being together (hopefully) for the first time in a year and a half ... Life is pretty good.

Happy Thanksgiving, all, and I wish the best for you and your own gatherings.


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