Off And Running

I've been home for a week and it's almost as though I've been here for the last three years.

Aside from the fact that I'm still not sleeping in my own room (I need to paint one last coat in there before I'll be willing to finish "moving in"), things feel weirdly normal. I'm even taking dance lessons, and while the instructor is quite good and I'm having a lot of fun, she's no Todd or Julia.

[Who knew? One of the bigger adjustments is getting used to a new dance class. I'm a very different person than I was when I last lived here.]

During the day, there's an obscene amount of television available, plenty of cooking and baking to do, and my job search is in full force now. I'm getting ready -- in earnest -- for the GRE, and I'm still getting the last of my address changes done as I find out what they are.

And I am once again frequenting a B&N. This particular store has been one of my favorites since high school, and I admit -- a lot of it is sheer size. This store is huge, the size of two of Wausau's store. It's wonderful.

Nothing like being surrounded by books to force some normalcy in this new, odd step.


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