Floods & Fall Colors

On Sunday, after the craziness of flood prep and Emma Jean's wedding, I decided to go for a walk and enjoy the fall colors.

So I took some pictures like this one.

And this one.

 And this one.

And then I got a shot of the river.

Looks peaceful, doesn't it? Nice, sunshiny blue day. Usually the river runs pretty slowly through this part of town and it's all but covered in guys fishing from motorboats, kayaks, and whole families on pontoon boats.

At this stage, however, it was still off-limits. Too high and moving too quickly for boats.

Still making the park look like this.

This fall has been a particularly tricky season so far.


Lee Ryan said…
thanks for posting the pictures. I miss Wisconsin.
Ashley said…
If anything was going to make you miss WI, it'd be those colors...

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