To Shorty: Happy birthday!
To Darren: Welcome back to the States!
To Mia Sorella: Hey, I haven't heard about Japan yet. We need to chat.

Okay, so I haven't written.

At all.

For over a week now.

Here's the thing: there's a lot going on. I've been taking a yoga class, started another round of Zumba, gone kayaking, and attended a community-wide fundraiser. I've had friends in town and I've been trying to get caught up on normal adult things. On top of that, I'm headed out of town this next weekend for a wedding, which is taking more preparation than I would normally expect.

There hasn't been anything interesting to say. I'm busy -- but really, what do you care?

That being said, I'm working on a post about travel vs. vacation that's been amusing me so far, and I'm definitely open to suggestions. Heck, I may even write about a book at some point in time. (Finished in the last couple of weeks: Ghost, Under the Banner of Heaven, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Now working on Devil in the White City. I'm a fan of books where the location is one of the characters.)

If you want to hear about something that doesn’t necessarily involve the weather (a reliable topic at the moment) or weddings (which are plentiful), leave a comment with an idea and I'll see what I can do. Hopefully something will occur to me without prompting, but I could use some help.

In the meantime, have a good week!


Lee Ryan said…
Weddings can be such a fertile source of blogging material. Especially if there is free booze. Why write about anything else?

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